10th May 2011: Another birthday gathering, this time is at Ben’s – Pavilion. Short and simple time spent together. Happy Birthday to Waqar (housemate) and the rest who shared the same date of birth, happy birthday to you (school friends – Jino Jin, Amanda Lai, ex-colleague – Cassie).
Ben’s is another F&B outlet by the group that owns T Forty Two, Plan B and etc. Based on the crowd, it’s really surprising to know that Ben’s just opened its doors a couple of weeks ago. Ben’s interior has its design cue – cosy ambiance for neither indoor nor outdoor dining area, small dining tables and comfortable chairs plus awesome outdoor area overlooks Bukit Bintang. I was impressed with the service – they are up to par as we waited no more than 5 minutes to settle down with the right order and everything appeared on the table less than 15 minutes.
Ben’s is about casual food while you catch up with your mates and enjoying the awesome view. It will make you to come back for more...

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