Basically ghost movie(s) is best to watch in cinema where you will be able to experience the big screen and good sound system + the scream of the ladies. Unfortunately for me, I have to watch at home these few ghost movies which claimed to be the few best local ghost movies. The story line for our local ghost movies won’t have much different from each other... here short personal review about the movies. Hope our local movie industry can produce more great movie(s) in the future beside stick to the ghost genre where it makes a lot of bucks.

Sini Ader Hantu: is all about two friends named Ah Meng and Bakri working as driver for delivery Service Company. Their supervisor offered them double payment of overtime if they willing to deliver that thing. At first, they do not want to deliver it. But after being offered triple payment of overtime, so they agreed. Along the way, they tell ghost stories. Funny! You go Baki for the screammmmm!

Ngangkung: is a story about three best friends and their endeavours in getting the winning number for lottery. Troubles (and laughter) ensued as they tried their best to win the winning prize for the lottery. Simple & not really scary or funny ghost movie but managed to collect big bucks.

Khurafat: is all about one tragedy that happens to Johan (Syamsul Yusof) and his wife, Aishah. Since they married, there are always something weird happen to them. It is like they being disturbed by some supernatural. At the same time, Anna, Johan's ex-girlfriend cannot accept and trying to beg to Johan for not leaving her. However, Johan cannot do so because he already married with Aishah. Very simple story line with wired ending but earns big bucks at the box office!

Hantu Kak Limah Balik Kampung: is all about one tragedy that happens at "Kampung Pisang". Husin (Awie) ran away to Singapore to find the job to establish his economy before he want to marry with Che' Nin, his lover. So, when he arrived at his home, he saw Mak Limah, his neighbour but there is something wrong with Mak Limah. And the story continues with funny scene and so on... Really funny ghost movie!
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