What usually you do on Sunday? Be lazy at home or try to get enough rest so that Monday you will not be late to office. I do have the same feelings last time but I think Sunday has to be Supreme because it will boost up your system and you will feel good after all hmmmmm am I sure about it? I think so based on the post below - I had great time on Sunday. Wake up pretty late and then we for my favorite Rojak and Cendol before heading to shopping mall as the weather is pretty hot. The Rojak and Cendol is pretty good and they are available only on weekend at Bukit Jalil. After the quick meal, I'm off to the mall as I need to walk and walk so that I don't feel so full :) but I ended up shopping - lucky an angel paid for my shopping, mucks! Too tired of trying and walking so I decided to have my donut share at Krisypy Kreme with a cup of coffee, ahhhh damn good. Then I'm back to home for Sunday house chores and rest for the evening before my delicious dinner. After all my Sunday past pretty fast but it was a Supreme Sunday. Look forward to Monday!

take both blk and wht!
wow joey...
i would like to take both of them back.. let me see how it goes ya!
i think i knew who wears those both shirts...hahaha its u ken.
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