It was stunning and awesome night where many close friends gather together for a farewell party last night at Celebrities Club, Solaris (co-owned by Ning - if I got the message right). Who's farewell party is that, of cos non other than the ever sexy fabulous Sheila N (konon Sis to Sheila M) haha haha. Everything goes smoothly even-thou there are tears dropping session among us as we are sad that she is leaving us to soon. We certainly will miss you dearly, Ouch! is the word to describe, we sincerely hope you will have the best back home. Don't ya worry too much, we will send you VVIP invites and get the plane ready for u to fly down for the red carpet, watch out you will be busy ya! :) The night owe Michael , Hafiz and Sharil a big time, thanks to both of you for organizing this farewell party. You guys rocks! See you in KLIA! SHEILA - Forget Us Not! Xoxo

Thanks so much Ken... when i look at the pictures i dont even know that all that ade tau esp the cake... hahahaha tak ingat pun... but i had fun... real good fun... thank you to everyone... will remember this till death do us part... love ya!
btw nama aku salah spelling... nama sheila majid betul pulak... OMG!
aduh!maaf ya.. I have changed it :) It was fun and I know you r counting down the days now.. hehehe
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